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Evans Energy II, LLC Pistol Ridge JV
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Oil Cashflow Project


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4925 Greenville Ave, Ste. 510

Dallas, TX 75206


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Nash Evans Enterprises

Dexter 3-Peat Joint Venture
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Dexter 3-Peat Joint Venture

Dexter 3-Peat Joint Venture

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Dexter Field: The year in review

Dexter Field: The year in review

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Gaddis Farms 13-13 #1 Production Joint Venture

Gaddis Farms 13-13 #1 Production Joint Venture

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Dexter Offset Multi-Well JV | Dexter 3-11 in production: On-Site Compilation

Dexter Offset Multi-Well JV | Dexter 3-11 in production: On-Site Compilation

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Dexter Offset Multi-Well Joint Venture

Dexter Offset Multi-Well Joint Venture

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Drilling 101: Drilling Rig Tour on the Dexter 3-15 New Drill

Drilling 101: Drilling Rig Tour on the Dexter 3-15 New Drill

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Exploring New Heights at the Dexter 3-15 #1 Well

Exploring New Heights at the Dexter 3-15 #1 Well

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Jerry Thornhill #2 JV - The James Lime Trend

Jerry Thornhill #2 JV - The James Lime Trend

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The Morgantown Multi-Well Joint Venture

The Morgantown Multi-Well Joint Venture

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Dexter + 1 Joint Venture

Dexter + 1 Joint Venture

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No Doubt in my Mind, We are in a Recession!

No Doubt in my Mind, We are in a Recession!

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Oil Prices are Going Through the Roof!

Oil Prices are Going Through the Roof!

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4925 Greenville Ave, Ste. 510 Dallas, TX 75206

214.427.8980   |

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 Private Placements


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